PICHLER hygiene solutions
Air hygiene in interior spaces
Air is the most vital food for human beings, however, there are no clear statutory provisions with regard to its quality. The WHO has merely formulated outdoor air limit values relating to various air pollutants, the measures for ensuring compliance with which, however, can be defined on a country-specific basis.
In particular in times like these, though, the desire for a high air hygiene standard, the ambition to attain impeccable conditions in terms of air hygiene increases. Operating companies, building owners as well as users have a comparably high level of awareness for reliable ventilation units.
As the guideline in the field of “Building services” by Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI (Association of German Engineers), VDI 6022 has formulated the holistic requirements of hygiene, taking constructional, technical and organisational impacts into consideration. It describes the state of the art with regard to the hygiene requirements in terms of ventilation and air-conditioning systems and units as well as the assessment of room air quality.
VDI 6022 has specified important rules for the food item “air” in rooms, so as to meet the necessary hygiene requirements. Part 3 also includes initial assessment values for the quality of indoor air.
As per definition of VDI 6022, hygiene (Greek “hygieinos”, healthy or healthful) refers to all measures that serve to prevent diseases and health injuries as well as those to preserve and strengthen health.
Why is hygiene so vital where ventilation units are concerned?
Today, the direct work and living environment of many millions of people is influenced by air-conditioning systems. A system that is planned, designed and maintained in compliance with hygiene has a positive effect on the health, well-being and productivity of the people using the room. Improperly planned and poorly maintained systems, however, may have a negative impact on health and well-being. https://hygiene-institut.de/mainlinks/hygienische_gebauudetechnik.php
Technical guidelines
The basic technical guidelines are:
- VDI 6022-1 – 2018
- VDI 3803-1 – 2020
- ÖNORM H 6020 – 2019
- ÖNORM H 6021 – 2016
- DIN 1946-4 – 2018
- EN 1751 – 2014
- EN 1886 – 2009
- EN 13053 – 2020
- EN 16890 – 2017
- SWKI 99-3 – 2003
- SWKI VA104 – 1
Brief explanations on ÖNORM H 6021-2020 and VDI 6022-2018:
- As a national supplement to ÖN EN 15780, ÖNORM H 6021-2020 defines measures for keeping clean and cleaning with regard to the planning, delivery, storage and installation of air-conditioning systems for residential and non-residential buildings.
- In 1998, VDI 6022-2018 was initially published and in German-speaking countries is regarded as the most important technical guideline for all hygienic aspects of ventilation and air-conditioning systems. It deals with requirements concerning the planning, design, operation as well as the inspection, maintenance and repair of ventilation and air-conditioning units and ventilation and air-conditioning systems to ensure a minimum or optimum level of hygiene (health protection), supply air and room air quality. For this purpose it contains some detailed descriptions, inspection and check lists.
- This guideline is “intended to provide a holistic formulation of hygiene-related constructional, technical and organisational requirements to be observed in the planning, manufacture, execution, operation and maintenance of ventilating and air-conditioning systems” (quote from VDI 6022 Part 1) https://cci-dialog.de/vdi_6022-1_2018/
Hygiene certified products
In order to be able to offer you hygienically impeccable products, our products & components have undergone a “Hygiene compliance test”, carried out by the Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets.
Comfort ventilation:
- LG 740
- LBE 250/500
- Distribution systems Komflex tubes
Air delivery:
- AHU-units, tpye KHND, KHNL, KHNV, Interior made of stainless steel
Air distribution:
- UNO-DUCT-air supply system
- PDD -1, -2
Air flow control:
- Sound absorbers SL, SDK, USD, PVSR-USD
- Volume flow controllers PVSR-R, -EE, -EJ
Fire protection & smoke extraction:
- BSK-E-L (LR)
- BSK-E-M(K)
School ventilación:
- LG 740
- LG 1000 SKDE
- LG 1000 SKS
Hygiene certificates
W-340953-Pruefzeugnis-Rohrschalldaempfer SL-Pichler.pdf (169.3 kB)
W-340950-Pruefzeugnis-Kanalschalldaempfer SD-Pichler.pdf (169.3 kB)
W-340951- Prüfzeugnis-Schalldämmkulissen SDK.pdf (169.3 kB)
W-340954-Pruefzeugnis-Umlenkschalldaempfer USD-Pichler.pdf (169.2 kB)
W-340957-Pruefzeugnis-Volumenstromregler mit Umlenkschalldaempfer PVSR-USD-Pichler.pdf (169.3 kB)
W-340955-Pruefzeugnis-Volumenstromregler PVSR-R-Pichler.pdf (169.3 kB)
W-340958-Pruefzeugnis-Volumenstromregler mit Umlenkschalldaempfer PVSR-USD-Kombination-VAV-Box-Pichler.pdf (198.4 kB)
W-350995e - Test certificate hygiene_VAV-USD-SLU-Box.pdf (197.5 kB).pdf (169.6 kB)
W-340956-Pruefzeugnis-Volumenstromregler PVSR-EE-Pichler.pdf (169.5 kB)
W-340967-Pruefzeugnis-Volumenstromregler PVSR-EJ-Pichler.pdf (198.5 kB)
W-340960-Pruefzeugnis-Drallluftdurchlaesse Typ PDD1+2-Pichler.pdf (169.6 kB)
W-340961-Pruefzeugnis-UNO-DUCT-Duesensystem-Pichler.pdf (169.7 kB)
W-276916-Umschreibung Pruefzeugnis-Kunststoffrohr KomFlex-Pichler.pdf (257.4 kB)
W-338421z - Prüfzeugnis -Konformitätsprüfung BSK-E-M - J. Pichler GmbH.pdf (168.9 kB)
W-351037e - Test certificate hygiene_LBE250A-LBE500A.pdf (169.5 kB)
W-350487z Pruefzeugnis_KHND-KHNL-KHNV.pdf (170.2 kB)

DI DI DI Wolfgang Tanzer
Bereichsleitung Projekttechnik
T +43 (0)463 32769-277
E-Mail: w.tanzer@pichlerluft.at