Heat pump combination unit

Product description PKOM4 - system solution
One device, 4 benefits: Ventilating – heating – cooling – hot water. The patented PKOM4 heat pump combi unit unites these four functions on a footprint of less than 0.75 m².
- easy installation due to compact design
- simple and intuitive operation via touch display
- user-friendly with free smartphone app
- remote access faciliates a prompt response with minimal effort
- patented two-circuit heat pump system
We differentiate between 2 versions:
- PKOM4 classic: Version with household hot water
- PKOM4 trend: Version without household hot water
PKOM4 system solution / Trigos Regional 2020:
In combination with an intelligent energy management system such as PSOL+ and renewable energies like for example photovoltaics it increases the system's efficiency and saves costs. The result is an efficient and cost-effective system solution which can be handled easily and intuitively, preserves the environment and improves the CO2 balance. Fresh and dust-free air – 365 days a year!
Trigos Regional 2020: With the PKOM4 system solution Pichler is winning the Austrian sustainability prize TRIGOS Regional 2020 in the category "Climate protection". The TRIGOS is the most renowned and respected sustainability award in Austria. The prize is awarded to sustainable companies for high-quality products and services.
As the TRIGOS jury makes clear, “J. Pichler GmbH has developed a compact heat pump combination unit that covers ventilation, heating, cooling and hot water. The integration of photovoltaics and an energy management system has created an efficient, cost-effective overall solution that is easy and intuitive to use. The dedicated family business makes an excellent contribution to reducing energy consumption and minimising CO2 emissions in the building sector. The company's sustainability efforts are clearly evident. Above all, the jury praised the company's science-based strategy and approach. Heating, cooling and ventilation with the lowest possible energy consumption is one of THE topics of the future and plays a role in climate protection and CO2 reduction. The jury sees the J. Pichler GmbH project as an important development engine for climate-friendly living."
» Guideline to the new standard for air filtration: ISO 16890
Technical data sheet
Operating and installation instructions
Lables in accordance with EU Regulation 1253/1254-2014
Product fiche (EU Regulation 1253/1254-2014)
CAD- & BIM-Data
Awards for PKOM4!

Netzwerk Passivhaus Innovations Award 2021
PICHLER is awarded as the "MOST INNOVATIVE Passive House Network Member Company 2021" for the special system solution PKOM4 & PSOL+ and as the "BEST Network Passive House Team of the year 2021" in the multi-storey residential building category.

Green Home Award 2021
The Heat pump combi unit PKOM4 was awarded "Highly Regarded" in the category "Best Heating Innovation" in the Green Home Awards.

TRIGOS regional
PICHLER wins TRIGOS regional 2020 in the "Climate Protection" category.
The TRIGOS is the most renowned and respected sustainability award in Austria. The prize is awarded to sustainable companies for high quality products and services.

Premios Auna 2020
PICHLER wins the Premios Auna Award in the category "Most Innovative Product 2020"

Grand Prix 2018
This year, for the first time, the competition GRAND PRIX was announced at the trade fair of low energy, passive and zero buildings FOR PASIV.

Build It Award 2018
PICHLER wins the Build It Award 2018 in London for the best renewable heating solution!

FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Austria 2018
The winners of the first FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Austria have been announced!
In October 2018, five outstanding Austrian real estate projects were honoured at an exciting gala in the Grand Hall on Erste Campus in Vienna. In the new building category, the student accomodation PopUp dorms in Seestadt prevail.